Great Green Bush-Cricket (Tettigonia viridissima) (1)

Great Green Bush-Cricket (Tettigonia viridissima) (1)

There is not much I can tell you about the brief encounter during which I captured this image. Suddenly ‘he’ was sitting there [‘he’ because he had no ovipositor, the long egg-laying organ of the females]. I grabbed my camera and took a few snaps. A moment later he opened his wings and disappeared in the green thicket of our garden. Lucky me!

The great green bush-cricket, also called great green grasshopper, is a striking and beautiful insect, not only because it is 40-54 mm long and bright green, but particularly for its unmistakable prolonged shrill buzzing call that carries for 100 m or more in still conditions.

The great green bush-cricket can fly very well and tends to be active in late afternoon and continues singing late into the night. It feeds on a wide variety of herbage, but also other insects.

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