Nile Crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) (1)

Nile Crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) (1)

The Nile crocodile is Africa’s largest crocodile; it can grow up to six meters in length and weigh as much as 1650 kilograms.

Adult Nile crocodiles eat mostly fish, but can capture antelopes and wildebeest, or whatever happens to cross their path. They can eat up to half their body weight at a feeding. Nile crocodiles can live 70-100 years.

Like other crocodilians, Nile crocodiles can bite but cannot chew. As a solution, it drags large prey underwater, using a twirling method, called a ‘death roll’, to tear off large chunks of flesh. The crocodile’s mouth is filled 68 teeth and is capable of exerting impressive force while clamping onto prey.

Crocodiles can stay submerged for up to three hours. While under water, a protective membrane closes over their eyes. Crocodiles are cold-blooded; they rely on the temperature of the sun and water to heat up or cool down. They can be sluggish when cool, but when warmed up, crocodiles can move at great speeds.

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