Bridge Spider (Larinioides sclopetarius) (1)

Bridge Spider (Larinioides sclopetarius) (1)

Larinioides sclopetarius is a relatively large orb-weaver spider widespread in Western and Central Europe. Females reach a body length of about 1 cm, males are somewhat smaller. Both genders share the same distinctive pattern on the carapace and on the abdomen which is the origin of the common name ‘gray cross spider’. The overall color is generally gray but some specimens tend toward brown. The orb webs of Larinioides sclopetarius can have diameters of up to 70 cm.

In a nonhuman world, the spider spins its webs on cliff faces and tree trunks near water where emerging aquatic insects like midges and mayflies are an abundant food source. In the world of humans, Larinioides sclopetarius is seldom seen on vegetation. Most often it is found on man-made objects over water and near artificial light sources, where insect pray is drawn in great numbers. Bridges are preferred structures and, thus, Larinioides sclopetarius is commonly called ‘bridge spider’.

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