Green Basilisk (Basiliscus plumifrons) (1)

Green Basilisk (Basiliscus plumifrons) (1)

The green basilisk, also known as plumed basilisk, double crested basilisk, or Jesus Christ lizard, is native to Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Panama. The beautiful lizard is found near bodies of water and is an excellent swimmer.

The green basilisk reaches a total length of up to 90 cm, whereby the tail is up to 3 times as long as the body. The color is a brilliant green, but also dark-green and blue-green. The eyes are bright yellow. From the neck to the tail base there is a row of white-yellow to bluish spots. The belly is yellow. The males have a very conspicuous double helmet and a toothed crest on their back and tail.

Today’s photograph was taken through a glass panel at Basel Zoo.

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