Creux du Van – A Nature Lover’s Paradise (Canton of Neuchâtel) (6)

Creux du Van – A Nature Lover’s Paradise (Canton of Neuchâtel) (6)

Today’s image shows the center part of the rocky cirque of the Creux du Van. The limestone cliffs drop down to a scree slope, with lumps of rock, layers of chalk and solitary trees. The bottom of the cirque is covered with moraine rubble and a dense wood of spruces and beeches.

To walk around the cirque, there is a path along the edge bordered by a stone wall. Sometimes, the path comes within a meter of the precipice. The view from the rim, where the gentle Jura landscape suddenly falls away down vertical cliffs, is breathtaking.

Below the cliffs there is an old farmhouse, the ‘Ferme Robert’, where the tree feller David Robert fought with the last bear of the Creux du Van in 1770. Its paws are still at the ferme [so it says!] – nailed to a plaque. Close by is a natural fountain with cold water of 3-4°C all year-round.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Das Amphietheater der Natur; vielleicht veranstalten die Tiere dort Nachts die ein oder andere Vorstellung? 😉
    Selbst das Foto ist “breathtaking” – vor Ort ist es wahrscheinlich “gorgeous”!

    1. Gorgeous! – Das ist sicher ein passendes Adjektiv für diesen Ort.

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