Cows of Switzerland (1)

Cows of Switzerland (1)

Cows are intelligent, curious and able to solve problems. Studies have shown that cows are capable of learning associations and using past experiences to determine their future actions. When faced with a challenge, cows get very excited with elevated heart rates and brainwaves.

Cows have great memories and are very good at remembering and recognizing faces even after long periods of time. Cows also have good spatial memory. They can remember where things are located such as food, water, shelter, best grazing spots and most importantly, the location of their babies.

Cows have excellent peripheral vision with only a small blind spot directly behind them. Cows are able to see colors, except red. They can detect odors far off and can hear lower and higher frequencies better than humans.

Although cows are herd animals they have their own personalities. Some are intelligent, others less so, some are timid, nervous, others are more bold coming up to you as you approach them [like the one in my photograph], some are friendly while others can be aggressive [although this is rare], some may be compassionate, others indifferent.

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