Moth Fly (Psychodidae, a Family of Diptera) (1)

Moth Fly (Psychodidae, a Family of Diptera) (1)

Psychodidae, commonly called moth flies or drain flies, have hairy bodies and hairy wings giving them a furry moth-like appearance. Moth flies sometimes inhabit plumbing drains and sewage systems, where they are harmless, but may be a persistent annoyance. I captured this unusual creature at the edge of a pond in a small nature reserve.

There are more than 2,600 described Psychodidae species worldwide, most of them native to the humid tropics. They are in general difficult to distinguish. The adult flies are only a few millimeters long, but are broader in appearance, with a pair of hairy wings held pitched-roof-like over the body.

Adult flies feed on plant juices or nectar and are attracted to light and odors. They are erratic fliers, and are often seen walking or running rapidly. Moth flies are most active at night, but may also be seen during daylight.

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