Radicchio Blossom (Cichorium intybus var. foliosum) (2)

Radicchio Blossom (Cichorium intybus var. foliosum) (2)

We grow a reddish-green variety of radicchio in our garden, which is a cumbersome affair. During the first year nothing is harvested. The plants just grow and markedly increase in size. Just before winter, the upper three quarters of the leaves are chopped off and discarded [they are leathery and extremely bitter]. In early spring, radicchio salad heads sprout from the taproots in the centers of the leaf rosettes, and those we harvest and eat.

This year, I left some plants in the soil for the production of seeds. From rosettes of leaves very long [more than 2 meters] and branched flower stalks grew. After a while they were topped with numerous beautiful, pale blue flowers. The center of one of them is shown in my photograph.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Lieber Arnd
    Vielen herzlichen Dank für die wunderschönen Bilder. Ich bin glücklich, Dich persönlich kennengelernt zu haben. Ich freue mich auf weitere Bilder von den Tieren und Pflanzen von deinem Garten.
    Liebe Grüsse

    1. Lieber Arel:
      Ein herzliches Dankeschön für deinen wunderbaren Kommentar zu meinen Fotos in meinem Fotoblog. Kommentare wie deiner motivieren mich, weiter nach neuen und interessanten Sujets zu suchen.
      LG Arnd

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