Four-Spotted Chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata) (1)

Four-Spotted Chaser (Libellula quadrimaculata) (1)

The four-spotted chaser is a dragonfly and, thus, holds its wings horizontally at right-angles to its body when at rest.

The four-spotted chaser is native throughout much of Europe; it is common and widespread. It can be found around most water bodies, including ponds, rivers and lakes.

The four-spotted chaser gets its name from the four dark spots present at the midpoint of the front of each of its four wings. Unusually for this family, males and females are much alike in appearance; the basic coloration is dark honey-brown, with a paler scalloped edge to both sides of the abdomen. The tip of the abdomen is black. The four-spotted chaser is 35-50 mm long, with a wingspan of 65-85 mm.

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