Violet Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa violacea) (1)

Violet Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa violacea) (1)

The violet carpenter bee is a beautiful, black, shiny bee, with an iridescent blue/violet sheen to the wings. It is one of the largest bees in Europe. Mature adults of both genders attain an average body length of 3 cm. In addition, the wingspan typically achieved by both sexes is 5 cm.

The bodies of both the males and females also have the same general shape. Both genders display a thick, black colored form and appears covered in small hairs.

The violet carpenter bee is a common European bee species but is also native to Asia. Like most members of the genus Xylocopa, it makes its nests in dead wood. It is not aggressive and will attack only if forced to.

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