Greenbottle Fly (Lucilia sericata) (2)

Greenbottle Fly (Lucilia sericata) (2)

The common green bottle fly is a blowfly found in most areas of the world. There, it is a common visitor to carrion, feces, and garbage

The body of the common green bottle fly is slightly larger than a house fly (10–14 mm) and has brilliant, metallic, blue-green or cupper-green coloration. It has short, black bristles and three cross-grooves on the thorax. The wings are clear with light brown veins, and the legs and antennae are black.

The common green bottle fly plays an important role in forensic science. There, the maggots help to determine the period of insect colonization as it relates to the time of death, helping law enforcement in their investigations.

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