Winter Aconites (Eranthis hyemalis) (7)

Winter Aconites (Eranthis hyemalis) (7)

Winter aconites can easily be propagated from seeds. However, the seeds require cold stratification, which means they need a longer cold period of temperatures between -4 and +4 °C in order to germinate. Another prerequisite is that the place where you sow them will not be disturbed for about four years. Seeds will germinate in the spring and produce simple elliptical leaves. In the following years the young plants produce progressively more complex leaves. They will flower in their fourth spring after sowing (occasionally already in their third). From then on, winter aconites will self-seed, forming a beautiful, dense carpet of flowers.

Propagation by tubers is also possible. They are best divided immediately after flowering and replanted. Dry aconite tubers are planted between September and October. Pre-swelling them in warm water for a few hours beforehand can help to kick-start their proliferation.

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