Corn Poppies (Papaver rhoeas) (3)

Corn Poppies (Papaver rhoeas) (3)

At the outskirts of Basel (this is the Swiss town where I live) the organic farm ‚Spitalmatt‘ is located. On my bicycle I pass by its fields and pastures regularly.

Usually, barley is grown on one of the fields interspersed with corn poppies. I love the bright red flowers and take photos of them almost every year.

When I passed by that field one early morning in May of this year, I noticed a lot of flowers. Because I did not bring my camera, I decided to return later in the afternoon. To my surprise, at that time there were no corn poppy flowers at all (!) on that field but lots of developing seed capsules and new poppy buds..

Early next morning before sunrise I returned to Spittalmatt Farm. The corn poppy buds were just opening. This process accelerated during sunrise and was almost complete a few hours later.

During that magic morning I took many photographs, a few of them I will show here. No doubt, I had a blast watching this spectacle. To me it looked like the poppy flowers in that field only lived half a day. 

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