At the Fog Line in the Swiss Jura (11)

At the Fog Line in the Swiss Jura (11)

Today’s photograph was captured from the upper station of the Weissenstein cable car. It shows a section of the main chain of the Alps, which extends much further to the east [towards Austria, left-hand side of image] and to the west [towards France, right-hand side of the image].

From right to left you see the prominent peaks of Jungfrau, [4’158 m], Mönch [4’099 m] and Eiger [3’970 m]. Between Jungfrau and Mönch the famous Jungfraujoch [3’478 m] is located, with the highest train station in Europe [3’500 m].

Left of Eiger you see the peaks of Finsteraarhorn [4’273 m], Schreckhorn [4’078 m] and Wetterhorn [3’692 m].

I will be out of town for about a week to visit friends and family. I will resume photobloging shortly after my return.

Best Wishes for a New Year filled with Peace and Happiness, Arnd

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