Ice on Jean Tinguely’s Carnival Fountain (1)

Ice on Jean Tinguely’s Carnival Fountain (1)

Swiss iron sculptor Jean Tinguely (1925-1991) is known for his kinetic work in which machine-like objects might paint, emit sounds, or move randomly. Using old wheels and other used materials, his work could also be referred to as ‘junk art’. The Museum Tinguely in Basel is dedicated to the life and work of the famous artist.

In the place where the stage of the old Town Theatre formerly stood, Jean Tinguely placed in 1977 some amusing machine sculptures in an enormous pool of water. With this fountain the artist, whose work enjoys great popularity in Basel, endowed the town with a new symbol of identity. In the winter the fountain is often covered in ice, giving it a fairy-tale feeling.

I took the photograph previous Tuesday, January 16, with my iPad camera.

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