Wolf Spider (1)

Wolf Spider (1)

Wolf spiders are characterized by a good vision, not capturing their prey in webs and females carrying their egg sacs with them.

Wolf spiders got their name because they hunt down their prey. They are very fast and can reach a speed of 50 cm per second over very short distances.

Because my spider classification book is not detailed enough, I am currently not able to identify the wolf spider species in my photograph. I assume it is a female specimen of Pardosa lugubris. If this is the case, the female (7 mm) is larger than the male (5 mm).

The wolf spider was sunbathing on a leaf of mullein (Verbascum phlomoides) when I captured it with my hand-held Nikon D500 camera equipped with a Nikon 105 mm macro lens plus an achromat macro lens.

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