Almond (Prunus dulcis) (1)

Almond (Prunus dulcis) (1)

The almond is a member of the rose family (Rosaceae), along with many other tree fruits. Within the genus Prunus, almond is most closely related to peach.

The almond is native to the Middle East [Pakistan eastward to Syria and Turkey]. Almond and peach probably evolved from the same ancestral species in south-central Asia.

The almond is a deciduous, medium sized tree growing up to 6 m in height. It flowers from March to April and the seeds ripen in October. The white to pink flowers are fragrant. They have 5 petals and sepals, and many elongated stamens.

The almond is self-incompatible and requires cross pollination. Insect pollinators [honeybees] are absolutely essential.

The photograph of blossoms of the almond cultivar ‘Amanda’ was taken in the botanical garden of the University of Basel two days ago.

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