European Paper Wasp (Polistes dominula) (1)

European Paper Wasp (Polistes dominula) (1)

European paper wasps live in colonies. By the summer, they consist of several dozen individuals.

European paper wasps have a very distinct social hierarchy. Each colony has one queen. She is the only female wasp that lays eggs. The other females in the colony are workers. They are responsible for foraging, cleaning the nest, and caring for the eggs. The main role of male wasps is to mate with the queens.

One can identify a paper wasp by its thin wasp-like waist and the paper nest, which usually hangs downward and has open cells on the bottom. Paper wasps also have legs that hang down when they fly.

Today’s photo was taken in the nature reserve ‘IBA Parc des Carrières’, located in France between Basel, Allschwil, Hégenheim and Saint-Louis.

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