Mating Burgundy Snails (Helix pomatia) (2)

Mating Burgundy Snails (Helix pomatia) (2)

Mating of Burgundy snails is an elaborate process: With their heads up, they circle each other and feel one another with their tentacles. After becoming stimulated, one of the snails injects a calcareous ‘love-dart’ into the sole of the other snail. After a while, the other snail does the same thing. Eventually, they align in such a way that their genital openings overlap. This act further stimulates the snails. The two snails twist their bodies around one another so that the penis and vagina are connected, and one snail receives a spermatophore. In the final stage, the penis is removed. However, the two snails can remain attached with their feet together for several hours.

In large parts, mating of Burgundy snails is a soulful and tender affair.

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