European Mole Cricket (Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa) (3)

European Mole Cricket (Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa) (3)

You may wonder, how I took the cricket photographs? I stumbled into an adult European mole cricket while pulling up weeds. I immediately grabbed it and placed it into the bucket for the weeds. Mole crickets, when taken out of their tunnel system, are always on the move and try to hide.

When I placed a flowerpot above them, they finally calmed down and sat quietly in the dark. When I removed the flowerpot, they played dead for a moment before they started running again. I was able to use this behavior to my advantage, I took a photo or two before the cricket got the nerve to run again.

For the photographs I placed the cricket on a white sheet of plastic. And don’t worry about the cricket. It is fine (but moved outside my garden).

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