Garden Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus) (6)

Garden Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus) (6)

Cosmos is a genus of flowering plants in the sunflower family. Native to Mexico, these annual plants are characterized by their slender stems and attractive, daisy-like flowers that come in a variety of colors, including white, pink, red, and yellow. Cosmos flowers are well known for their beauty, with silky petals surrounding a bright central disc.

Due to their tall and airy growth habit, Cosmos blooms often sway gracefully in the breeze. Besides their aesthetic appeal, Cosmos plants are also popular because they are easy to cultivate. They are often raised from seeds and do well in different soil types. This makes them a favorite among both novice and seasoned gardeners.

The name ‘Cosmos’ is derived from the Greek word ‘kosmos’, which means ‘order” or “world’. Because the flowers appear harmonious and orderly, their name was well chosen.

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