Llama (Lama glama)

Llama (Lama glama)

Llamas (Lama glama) have long shaggy coats that vary in color from white to black, with shades of gray, beige, brown and red. It may be solid, spotted or marked in an array of patterns. The average height of llamas is 115 cm at the shoulder and 155 to 185 cm at the head. They may weigh from 130 to 155 kg.

Llamas move gracefully; they are capable of carrying a load of up to 100 kg. Llamas are grazers as well as browsers, eating on grasses and forbs.

Llamas are intelligent and can learn simple tasks after a few repetitions. Llamas are very social animals and like to live with other llamas as a herd. They are very curious and may even approach people. Sometimes they spit at each other or at people, which is a defense mechanism. The ‘spit’ contains air, saliva and acidic stomach contents [generally a green grassy mix] and is projected onto the chosen targets.

The photograph of the llama was captured at Basel Zoo.

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