Basel Autumn Fair (5)

Basel Autumn Fair (5)

The loop fighter ‘Phönix’ is a swing and loop ride, one of the wildest currently available in Switzerland. Its advertising motto is ‘Fly like a Phönix’!

Each of the 6 gondolas features 4 seats, with passengers sitting next to each other. While the gondolas are spinning and looping, the loop fighter offers a swing over with the main arm, a rotation of the gondola carrousel and the free looping of each group of 4 seats. The result is a unique ride mixing together the effects of a fly over spinning pendulum and the typical looping twirl of a roller coaster ride. The loop fighter dynamic action delivers 3 G and offers passengers strong negative and positive acceleration and an incredible weightless sensation.

Today’s photo is a time exposure of ‘Phönix’ on Basel’s ‘Rosental-Anlage’.

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