Hummingbird Hawk-Moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) (3)

Hummingbird Hawk-Moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) (3)

Yesterday’s photo of a hummingbird hawk-moth is OK but not very good. The exposure was too long and, therefore, the wings are too blurred. [To understand this better: the moth moves extremely fast with 85 wing beats per second.] In addition, the moth in my photo was in the shade and, thus, its body has lost part of its natural colors.

This morning, I modified the settings of my camera and tried to capture a better photo. As you can see, fortune smiled on me!

However, the yield of good photos was still small. The problem is the autofocus of  my camera, which selects the object on which it focuses. Sometimes it was the moth but most often it was the flowers on which it feeds.

I think, manual focus is no option. It is too slow for this lightning-fast creature. Is there anybody with a good idea?

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  1. Ich liebe sie 🙂

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