Chinese Witch Hazel (Hamamelis mollis) (1)

Chinese Witch Hazel (Hamamelis mollis) (1)

Hamamelis mollis, a medium-size deciduous shrub, is native to parts of China. It is most commonly known as witch hazel because the stringy, curvy petals of its flower, with some imagination, resemble a witch’s broom.

The flowers appear at the end of winter before the leaves and last several weeks. They have narrow petals up to 2-4 cm long, surrounding red centers called ‘calyces’. Their scent is very noticeable and pleasant. The blooms are followed by the production of inconspicuous, green (turning black) fruits.

The photograph of the witch hazel branchlet was captured in a garden of a neighbor yesterday. Behind the bush, a light gray house wall is located.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. sehr schön

    1. Die Natur ist eine grosse Künstlerin! Ich freue mich, dass dir mein Foto der Zaubernuss-Blüten gefällt, Astrid.

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