Silkie Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) (5)

Silkie Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) (5)

The exact origin of the Silkie breed is not clear. However, it is thought that it is an ancient breed of Chinese origin.

In the Western World, the Silkie was first mentioned by Marco Polo (around 1290-1300). During his journey across Europe and the Far East, a fellow traveler told him about a “chicken with fur”.

Next the Silkie was mentioned in Italy by Aldrovandi in 1598. He spoke of “a chicken with fur like a black cat”.

When people first introduced Silkie chicken to the European public in in the 1800s, it was said to be “the offspring of a chicken and a rabbit”. Unscrupulous sellers sold Silkies to gullible folks for curiosity, and it was used as a freak show item in traveling sideshows and exhibited as a “bird mammal”.

Today’s image shows another Silkie rooster from the side.

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