Window Mannequin (3)

Window Mannequin (3)

Something I like about Basel are the numerous small specialty stores. For example, there is a store for cheese, for coffee, for wine, for pasta, for stationary, for herb teas, for gummy bears, and for groceries from England, Italy, Spain, Turkey, India, and China. Usually, the atmosphere in these stores is very familiar and customers come not only to buy but also to chitchat.

In Old Town Basel there is also a store for hats (‘Schwarz Modes’) with an ever changing display of window mannequins. I do not know anybody who is wearing their exclusive creations but I often marvel at the window display. The first few times I photographed a dummy, the shop owner came out and asked me what I was doing there. Meanwhile she seems to know me and has not been bothered about my tripod again.

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