Wall Lizard (Podarcis muralis) (3)

Wall Lizard (Podarcis muralis) (3)

The common wall lizard is oviparous [it lays eggs] and can deposit eggs more than once per year. Mating begins shortly after the end of the hibernation in early spring. About one month later the first clutch [batch of eggs] of 3 to 11 eggs is laid. In good years, with lots of sun and food, a female will deposit up to two more clutches before the end of summer.

The eggs are buried in the ground or placed under a piece of bark or a rock. The eggs incubate for a month until the juvenile lizards hatch. Hatchling wall lizards immediately begin finding their own food.

The newborns measure/weigh about 25 mm/0.35 g. The juveniles have markings similar to those of adults, but in comparison, have proportionally larger head. They reach sexual maturity in 1-2 years. The average life span estimate of common wall lizards is 7 years [and can reach 10 years].

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