Black-and-Red Froghopper (Cercopis vulnerata) (1)

Black-and-Red Froghopper (Cercopis vulnerata) (1)

Cercopis vulnerata, better known as the black-and-red froghopper or red-and-black froghopper, is a species of froghopper in the family Cercopidae (spittlebugs). This species is present in most of Europe.

Black-and-Red Froghoppers have an elongate and strongly shielded body. The male is about 10 millimeters in length, the female is slightly smaller. They are shining black, with bright red marks on the elytra, the rear marking resembling a W. These colors serves as a warning of their unpleasant taste.

Adults can fly but are also capable of jumping many times their height and length, giving the group their common name. They can extend their hindlegs in under a millisecond to execute a jump.

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