European Paper Wasp (Polistes dominula) (2)

European Paper Wasp (Polistes dominula) (2)

European paper wasps are omnivores. They will eat insects, fruit, or nectar from flowers.

Workers and drones of the European paper wasp reach a body length of 11 to 15 mm, queens are about 18 mm long. The bodies of European paper wasps are black with prominent yellow markings including rings on their body. European paper wasps also have spots on their face and body which show information about gender and social status. They also have yellow legs, and orange-tipped antennae.

The nest is built from paper-like substance produced from wood and plants mixed with wasp saliva. The hexagonal cells are arranged in a round cluster rather than in flat combs, and there is no outer casing to the nest. Paper wasp nests are shaped like upside-down umbrellas, with open cells in which the wasp larvae can be seen.

Like other paper wasp species, European paper wasps hunt live insects in trees, shrubs, and gardens during the day, resting on the nest at night. They only sting if they feel threatened.

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