Daybreak in the Petite Camargue (1)

Daybreak in the Petite Camargue (1)

The Petite Camargue Alsacienne is the oldest nature reserve in the tri-country region, where France, Switzerland and Germany come together. Today, an association which includes ecologists and scientists handles the running of this nature reserve, with the aim to preserve the biological diversity of the Rhineland environment.

The Petite Camargue is located in the south of Alsace [France], on an area of marshland covering a total of 900 hectares. The site is open all year round to the public, on either a ‘go as you please’ basis or for guided tours, and includes several marked-out trails.

The reserve is the perfect place to observe the local fauna and flora. Here, visitors will find no less than 40 tree varieties, 180 bird species, 16 amphibian species and 40 varieties of dragonflies.

The Petite Camargue is one of my regional top destinations for nature photography.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ein brillant festgehaltenes Stück wundervoller Landschaft! Ein stimmungsvoller Start in die Woche.

    1. Danke, JoFer! Ich freue mich über deinen wunderbaren Kommentar.

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