Common Daisy (Bellis perennis) (1)

Common Daisy (Bellis perennis) (1)

This familiar little plant belonging to the daisy family has a basal rosette of bright green leaves. The common daisy flowers from the earliest days of spring till late in the autumn. Its flower heads, produced on leafless stems 2–10 cm tall, are 2–3 cm in diameter, with white ray florets [often tipped red] and yellow disc florets.

It is thought that the name ‘daisy’ is a corruption of ‘day’s eye’, because the whole head closes at night and opens in the morning. There is a common proverb associated with the flower and its abundance in spring and early summer: ‘When you can put your foot on seven daisies summer is come’.

I took the photograph in our garden two days ago. [And no, I could not put my foot on seven daisies yet :-)]

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