Star Magnolia (Magnolia loebneri) (1)

Star Magnolia (Magnolia loebneri) (1)

Loebner magnolia is a deciduous hybrid magnolia [M. kobus x M. stellata]. It is a small tree typically growing to 2-5 meters tall. Fragrant star-like white flowers [10-15 cm wide] with 10-15 petals appear in early spring before the foliage.

The genus name honors Pierre Magnol, French botanist [1638-1715]. The specific epithet honors Max Loebner, a German horticulturist, who made the first cross of this hybrid in the early 1900s. A number of hybrid cultivars are now available in commerce featuring flowers that are white, blush-pink, lilac pink or pink.

The photo was taken briefly after sunset. The cloudless sky still had a light blue tint.

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