From Schynige Platte to Grindelwald First (Bernese Alps) (2)

From Schynige Platte to Grindelwald First (Bernese Alps) (2)

You can see the trail to Männdlenen-Cabin in the middle of the lower edge of my photograph [there are three hikers on the trail]. After the cleft it zigzags up the west flank of the Ussri [the rock dome in the center of the image, 2‘423 m], runs parallel to its summit for about one kilometer and then takes a sharp turn to the right. A steep climb through a ravine brings you up to the cabin [it is located behind the rock dome in today’s image].

Männdlenen-Cabin has a dormitory for about 30 people and for day-trippers like myself a nice in- and outdoor-restaurant.

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