Hiking the Large Mythen (Canton of Schwyz) (6)

Hiking the Large Mythen (Canton of Schwyz) (6)

In August 1863 eight natives of Schwyz [a canton and a town in Central Switzerland] climbed the Large Mythen. They were so overwhelmed by this experience that they immediately founded the Mythen-Gesellschaft [Mythen Society], with the aim to build a trail onto this remarkable landmark of the Canton of Schwyz and a summit restaurant. The construction work took four and a half month and was finished in 1864.

In 1885 the mountain cabin burned down completely. A new one was built soon afterwards with rooms for overnight stays. In 1991 the house on the Mythen summit was replaced by a smaller cabin with only a restaurant. Nowadays, everything served there is delivered by helicopter. The summit restaurant is open daily from sunrise to sunset between May and October, or whenever the Swiss flag is raised.

The Mythen Society is now called Verein der Mythenfreunde [Friends of the Mythen Association]. They are responsible for maintaining the summit restaurant and the Mythen trail. Each year, about 30’000 people from all over the world make it to the top.

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