Taking photos of snow usually is a challenge. This is because the camera is often fooled by the bright white surrounding. Because it thinks the world is gray it may automatically make snow look gray.
One can also not trust the preview of photos on the small LCD screen on the back the camera. There – very often – bright white snow looks washed out. This makes it difficult to judge whether one already lost important detail. When this has happened it is often irretrievable.
When everything in your surrounding is white, the camera may also have difficulties to autofocus. This is because autofocus works by contrast. Another problem may be caused by the automatic white balance: Snow in bright sunlight often looks bluish on photos.
In the Internet you will find tips how to circumvent these (and a few more) problems when photographing snow. I usually shoot in RAW mode which later gives me more options to troubleshoot the camera‘s (and my) mistakes. I also usually shoot a small series of photos of each theme with varied camera settings and, later, select the best.