Creux du Van – A Nature Lover’s Paradise (Canton of Neuchâtel) (10)

Creux du Van – A Nature Lover’s Paradise (Canton of Neuchâtel) (10)

Along the cirque, close to its rim, there is a low, dry-stacked stone wall. The hiking trail is just outside the wall. For people who have a fear of heights and for visitors with children, or when the ground is wet or covered with snow, or when it is windy, it is highly recommended to stay on this trail. Even short people can look over the wall and enjoy the breathtaking views. For more adventurous folks [like myself :-)], there are numerous passages through wall to get through it. It is up to the responsibility of each person on which side of the wall she/he wants to be.

Originally, the 2-kilometer-long stone wall was built to prevent the cows of the local farmers from straying over the edge of the cliffs. Recently, the wall was renovated as a gesture of friendship to the visitors of the Creux du Van by a charitable group of foreigners. Therefore the wall is called the ‘Wall of Friendship’.

And thanks for visiting, everyone, and have a great weekend!

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