Creux du Van – A Nature Lover’s Paradise (Canton of Neuchâtel) (3)

Creux du Van – A Nature Lover’s Paradise (Canton of Neuchâtel) (3)

Finally at the top, at a height of a little over 1’400 m above sea level, I was rewarded with a breathtaking view into the Gorges de l’Areuse [see photograph] and into the Creux du Van.

Wherever the rivers of the Swiss Jura forced their way from the Jura folds into the Swiss Plateau [in German: Mittelland], deep gorges were carved out. The Areuse stream thunders through one of these. A 12-kilometer-long, very impressive hiking trail through the Gorges de l’Areuse grants vertigo-inducing views into this natural spectacle.

Below the fog, the city of Neuchâtel is located.

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